Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Panda News:
On Friday, April 24th we will be taking part in Jump Rope for Heart.  The students will be jumping rope at 1:30 in the gym.  In P.E. this week we learned how the heart works through an obstacle course.  

I will be sending our last volunteer calendar home on Friday for May.  I wanted to thank you all for your support throughout the school year. 
Enjoy your vacation!

Language Arts:

We have been working on a poetry unit.  We have been reading a variety of poems and writing our on poems.  The students worked on descriptive words about pigs and they created a pig poem.  They also learned poetry has a voice and they gave their pizza a voice.  We worked on a list poem based on Shel Siverstein's poem "SICK".  To finish out unit we will be working on an Earth Day poem and a fruit poem.  


We have been working on writing number stories and writing the equations that go with them.  We also have been decomposing the numbers up to 10 using a variety of manipulatives.  The students have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes.  

Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters: review of all lowercase letters
Phonics Letters: review of all phonic letters
Word of the Week: review of all sight words
Spring vacation:  4/27-5/1
May Day : 5/21
Early Release: 5/13 @12:50
Field Day: 5/29
No School: 5/25 (Memorial Day)
Grandparent Luncheon: 6/1 more info to follow
Tentative Last Day for K: 6/16 We will have an end of the year celebration starting at 9:30 in our classroom.  Dismissal will be by 11:00am if this poses a problem for your family please let me know ASAP so I can plan accordingly.