Exciting news in the Panda Room. We now have an interactive whiteboard up and running. We are all very excited to have the tool to use!
Language Arts:
We worked on lowercase v, w, and t. We also worked on the word is. They have been comparing and contrasting themselves to the Pilgrims through realistic fiction. We also wrote our own version of I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Pie.
We worked on turkey dice games as well as made a turkey glyph. The Pandas also created turkeys with the pattern block templates. The kids can't wait for you to check out their work at the breakfast next Tuesday
The classroom is looking very festive with all the Thanksgiving art work we have been creating!
Book of the Week: I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A PieSong of the Week: "Albuquerque Is A Turkey" by Dr. JeanApp of the Week: Counting Beads
Upcoming Events:
Handwriting Letters: a, g, & a
Phonics Letters: sh
Word of the Week: the
Book Fair: 12/2-12/5
Thanksgiving Break: 11/27-11/29
Family Breakfast: 11/26 @ 8:00-8:25 (Panda Classroom)
Gingerbread Decorating: 12/19 @ 12:30
Early Release: 12/11
Winter Vacation: 12/23-1/1/14