Friday, December 15, 2017

Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters: T & J
Phonics Letters:  s & z
Word of the Week: the
Gingerbread Decorating Party: 12/21 @ 2:00
PJ Day: 12/22
Winter Vacation: 12/25-1/2/29

Wish List:
wax paper

Monday, December 11, 2017


We have begun work on our gingerbread unit.  We have read a few versions of the folktale The Gingerbread Man.  We will work on retelling, comparing & contrasting and other elements to stories.

Language Arts:  

We worked on the letters C, O, Q & G.   We also worked on the word and & is.   We started writing patterned books which matches with our work in reading.  The students are learning they have super powers to be super readers.  They have been reading and writing easy books with language patterns and lots of sight words.  Ask your Panda about their super reading powers.


We have been practicing counting to fifty by ones.  We have been focusing on studying shapes.  We have looked at their characteristics and naming them.  We have played several games to reinforce these skills.  We also have been working on problem solving strategies for word problems.  



The students worked on a winter quilt this week.  They gingerbread men sun catchers and painted a giant gingerbread man.

Book of the Week: The Gingerbread Boy by Richard Egielski

Upcoming Events:
Handwriting Letters: S, A, & I
Phonics Letters:  u
Word of the Week: am
Wednesday, December 13th Early Release (students dismissed at 12:50)
Gingerbread Decorating Party: 12/21 @ 2:00
PJ Day: 12/22
Winter Vacation: 12/25-1/2/29

Wish List:
wax paper
small zip lock sandwich bags