Friday, October 20, 2017

Panda News:

We had Mrs. Griffith talk about Personal Body Safety on Thursday.  She talked about bathing suit areas on your body and uncomfortable touches.  The students learned if something is making you feel uncomfortable you say Stop (assertively), Get Away, and Tell Someone.  They also talked about "stranger danger."  She included a handout in your child's folder.


Yesterday, we went out to the garden and planted bulbs.  Each child got to dig a whole and plant a bulb.  The children are excited to see what blooms in the spring.  A special thanks to volunteers for making sure the garden was turned over so the children could plant.   

Language Arts: 

We practiced writing uppercase frog jump letters.    We also worked on the word the sight word introduced so far.  The Pandas learned about the sound qu.   We began learning to read like a storyteller.  The Pandas used very familiar stories to use the picture, remember the story & read it.  Have them try it with there favorite bedtime story you have read thousands of times!    


We made spiders, ghosts, bats oh my!  We made glittered place-mats and we will make a pattern on them.

Upcoming Events:

Book of the Week- The Carrot Seed 
App of the Week-  Make Ten 
Upcoming Letters-  U & L
Word of the Week- an
Phonics- th & th
Parent Conferences- 11/1 & 11/8 early release (please sign-up if you have not) 
Halloween Celebration- Students and Staff only 10/31 (please see signup genius for more info)
Nov. 9th & 10th- No School

Friday, October 13, 2017


October is Safety Month.  We will do a variety of activities to promote safety.  We will be having presentations from the fire department, police, and many more.  We will also practice safety drills.
Our guidance counselor will come into our classroom to talk about personal body safety.    

Today we had a visit from the Stratham Fire Department.  Look for the safety photos on Flickr soon!

Language Arts: 

We have practiced writing uppercase H & K.  We have used wood pieces and our slate boards to practice.  We also worked on the word  at.   We have been focusing on telling stories based on a moment in time.  It is called a small moment story.  During Readers Workshop we learned that readers have fun reading privately and with a partner.   Ask your student what they learned about in there books this week.


We have begun working with a computer program iReady.  The students practiced logging in and logging out.  They also worked on there first "just right" lesson.  They also have been working on counting starting at a number other than 1.


The Pandas made Sparky the Fire Dog for our visit from the fire fighters today.

Upcoming Events:

Book of the Week- Itsy Bitsy Spider
App of the Week- Alphabet Monster
Upcoming Letters- H & K
Word of the Week- at
Phonics- qu
Parent Conferences- 11/1 &11/8
Halloween Celebration- Students and Staff only 10/31 
No School- 11/9 & 11/10