Panda News:
This week was National Education Week. We celebrated what we were thankful for at school.As you know our Family Breakfast is Tuesday, November 22nd. It will start at 8:00. We will finish with reciting a poem at 8:25. I hope all will be able to join us. I hope all of you have a restful and happy Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Griffith came in to talk about tattling vs telling. The students watched a video and discussed each situation. They learned a mental checklist they could use before they find a teacher:
Is someone in danger?
Is someone hurt?
Did I try to solve the problem on my own?
Am I minding my own business?
Language Arts:
We have been working on the word so and reviewing the other words we have learned. The
Pandas practiced diagonal lines in handwriting. We worked on the
letters X, Y & Z. Please try and reinforce the correct school way of holding a writing tool and forming letters and numbers. I am trying to break some bad habits. If they can learn proper formation now it will help with the fluency going forward. We also wrote our own version of I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Pie.
During math we
continue to work on numbers and quantities 0-10. We practiced
positional words with a board game (next to, in front of, on, etc.)
We will work on
turkey dice games as well as make a turkey glyph. The Pandas are
creating turkeys with the pattern block templates. The kids can't wait
for you to check out their work at the breakfast.
The classroom is looking very festive with all the Thanksgiving art work we have been creating!
Song of the Week: "Turkey, Turkey" (tune of Twinkle, Twinkle)
Upcoming Events:
Handwriting Letters: C, O, & Q
Phonics Letters: u
Word of the Week: and
Book Fair: 11/28-12/2
Thanksgiving Break: 11/23-11/28
Family Breakfast: 11/22 @ 8:00-8:25 (Panda Classroom)
Gingerbread Decorating: 12/22 @ 2:00 more info to follow
Winter Vacation: 12/26-1/4/16