Friday, October 28, 2016

Panda News

Our Halloween celebration was a success. The children had a wonderful time. Check out the new photos I added to Flickr.  Thank you for all the donations and help.  I couldn't do it without you! 

Here is a glimpse of our week in the Panda class:

Language arts:  The children wrote a piggy back version of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? using their costume photos.  We have focused on the word see & I.  We have been working on reading familiar storybooks. The kids are practicing read the books sounding like the author.  
Math:  We played various Halloween math games. 

Art:  We made candy corn people and jack-o-lanters.

Books of the Week:  Stellaluna and The Carrot Seed
Songs of the Week:  "Wizard's Brew" and "The Numeral Song"

Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters V & W
Phonics Letters: o
Word of the Week: I
November Conferences:  11/2  (this is an early release days)
No school: 11/8 & 11/11
Family Breakfast: 11/22 from 8:00-8:25 a.m.
Thanksgiving Break:  11/25-11/27

Friday, October 21, 2016

Panda News:

Yesterday, we went out to the garden and planted bulbs.  Each child got to dig a whole and plant a bulb.  The children are excited to see what blooms in the spring.  A special thanks to Kerry Rich for making sure the garden was turned over so the children could plant.  


Language Arts: 

We practiced writing uppercase H & K.  We used wood pieces and our slate boards to practice.  We also worked on the word an.  The Pandas learned about the sound th.   We began learning to read like a storyteller.  The Pandas used very familiar stories to use the picture, remember the story & read it.  Have them try it with there favorite bedtime story you have read thousands of times!   


We finished up unit 2 in math.  An assessment of the unit will come home next week.  If there is a skill circled it means your child needs a little more practice with that particular skill.  


We made spiders, ghosts, bats oh my!.  They also drew a rhyme and labelled them. Ask your Panda what they drew.   We made glittered place-mats and made a pattern on them..

Upcoming Events:

Book of the Week- Itsy Bitsy Spider
App of the Week- Can You Make Ten
Upcoming Letters-  U & L
Word of the Week- see
Phonics- a
Parent Conferences- 10/26 & 11/2 early release (please sign-up if you have not) 
Halloween Celebration- Students and Staff only 10/28 (please see signup genius for more info)
Nov. 8th & 11th- No School

Monday, October 17, 2016

Panda News:

Language Arts:  We have practiced writing uppercase M & N.  We have used wood pieces and our slate boards to practice.  We also worked on the word  in.  We recreated our own versions of Yuck Soup!    We have been focusing on telling stories based on a moment in time.  It is called a small moment story.  During Readers Workshop we learned that readers have fun reading privately and with a partner.   Ask your student what they learned about in there books this week.


We worked on our first open response problem in math.  The children worked in partnerships to sort a collection of objects using a certain attribute or attributes.  They then analyzed each others work to try and figure out what the sorting rule was.  The Pandas did a great job having a conversation about the math work.


The Pandas started making spiders to go with the nursery rhyme the Itsy Bitsy Spider .  We have read a few versions of this story.

Upcoming Events:

Book of the Week- Yuck Soup by Joy Cowley
App of the Week- Quick Image (using ten frames)
Upcoming Letters- H & K
Word of the Week- can
Phonics- th & th
Parent Conferences- 10/26 &11/2 early release 12:50
Halloween Celebration- Students and Staff only 10/28

Wish List:


Friday, October 7, 2016

Panda News:

October is Safety Month.  We will do a variety of activities to promote safety.  We will be having presentations from the fire department, police, and many more.  We will also practice safety drills.  

Today we had a visit from the Stratham Fire Department.  Look for the safety photos on Flickr soon!
Big News!  Panda of the Day has begun.  Mia was our first Panda of the Day.  Watch for the panda bag and directions to arrive at your house.  Please try and return the panda bag with a share that matches the theme and the necklace the next school day.

Language Arts: 

We have practiced writing uppercase B & R.  We have used wood pieces and our slate boards to practice.  We also worked on the word  at.   We have been focusing on telling stories based on a moment in time.  It is called a small moment story.  During Readers Workshop we learned that readers have fun reading privately and with a partner.   Ask your student what they learned about in there books this week.


We finish up our first math unit.  You will receive a note about if there are any areas your child needs continued practice with.  We will be working on those skills in class as well.  We have been talking a lot about patterns.  They also have been working on counting starting at a number other than 1.


The Pandas made Sparky the Fire Dog for our visit from the fire fighters today.

Upcoming Events:

Book of the Week- No Dragons for Tea by Jean E. Pendziwol
App of the Week- Alphabet Monster
Upcoming Letters- N & M
Word of the Week- in
Phonics- qu, th & th
October 10th- No School
Parent Conferences- 10/26 &11/2
Halloween Celebration- Students and Staff only 10/28

Wish List:

wax paper