Panda News:
The students have been doing so well entering the building and leaving they do not need their bus tags anymore.
Language Arts:
We worked with the book No, David by David Shannon. This was our shared reading book of the week. The book featured our word of the week no. We wrote our own version of No, David. They stamped and traced our sight word no. We worked with rhyming during our literacy centers. The Pandas were introduced to their handwriting journals for the first today. We practiced E & F.Math:
We have been working on subitizing during math. The students are working on taking "quick looks" at groups of dots. They are working on see sets and telling how many with out counting. We also worked on counting and describing shapes. We worked on using important math language like curvy, straight, corners etc.P.E.:
They have been working on entering the gym and finding a good space without the use of carpet squares. They have learned freeze signals when they are moving their bodies. They also have learned some ways to warm up there bodies. They are having a lot of fun!
Book of the Week- No, David
Song of the Week- Where Do You Start Your Letters
App of the Week- Counting Beads
Upcoming Letters-D & P
Early Release- September 28th (students dismissed at 12:50)
Music Hall Field Trip- September 28th
October 10th- No School
Word of the Week- he
Phonics-f & v