Panda News:
We had Mrs. Griffith talk about Personal Body Safety on Thursday. She talked about bathing suit areas on your body and uncomfortable touches. The students learned if something is making you feel uncomfortable you say Stop (assertively), Get Away, and Tell Someone. They also talked about "stranger danger."
Language Arts:
We practiced writing uppercase H & K. We used wood pieces and our slate boards to practice. We also worked on the word an. The Pandas learned about the sound a. It is the first vowel we have learned. We began learning to read like a storyteller. The Pandas used very familiar stories to use the picture, remember the story & read it. Have them try it with there favorite bedtime story you have read thousands of times!Math:
We finished up unit 2 in math. An assessment of the unit will come home next week. If there is a skill circled it means your child needs a little more practice with that particular skill.Art:
We made big green monster sun-catchers. They also drew big green monsters and labelled them. We painted witches using shapes.
Upcoming Events:
Book of the Week- Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed EmberleyUpcoming Letters- U & L
Word of the Week- see
Phonics- o
October 29th- Picture retakes
Parent Conferences- 11/5 & 11/18 early release (please sign-up if you have not)
Halloween Celebration- Students and Staff only 10/30 (please see signup genius for more info)
Nov. 6th & 11th- No School