Happy Valentine's Day!I have a few house-keeping items before I review our short but busy week. The 4th and 5th grade S.O.A.R.S. group is collecting for "end 68 hours of hunger". They are looking for students to bring in cans of pasta like Spaghetti O's. The kids can bring them in all week. They just finished collecting over 1000 cans of tuna.
After vacation, we will be adding to our math homework. We will begin practicing our math facts through 5. A letter and the materials will be sent home after vacation. Be on the look out!
I have added pictures to Flikcr. They are of the kids enjoying the 100th day of school and working in the post office. Speaking of the post office, if your child receives a secret valentine in the mail or in their folder they were suppose to. Shhhh, it is form a classmate. We read a book about a secret valentine and then we made them. (Secret Valentine by Laura Damon)
Language Arts:
We worked on proper formation of all letters introduced. I am still find a lot of children starting from the bottom. We also continued to work on our reading strategies. We have learned good reader use a lot of different tools when they read.
The Pandas worked with attribute blocks. We played a game help them sort by different attributes to find the mystery shape.
We made valentine's crafts with paint and glitter.
Social Studies:
The students worked in the post office all week. Check out the pictures.
Book of the Week: Secret Valentine by Laura Damon
Song of the Week: The Valentine's Dance Party Song by Jack Hartmann
Upcoming Events:
Handwriting Letters: review of all lowercase letters
Phonics Letters: review of all phonic letters
Word of the Week: on
February Vacation: 2/24-2/28
School District Meeting: 3/7 @7:00pm
Field Trip: 3/5