Friday, December 12, 2014

Panda News:
We continued to work on our gingerbread theme.  Next week we focused on Jan Brett's The Gingerbread Baby.
I posted some pictures on FLICKR.  Check them out!

Language Arts:  

We worked on uppercase I, T, & J.  We also worked on the word the. We worked on our class version of the gingerbread story.  The children are having so much fun being authors. 


We continued to work on practicing teen numbers.  We played a variety of games using dice and ten frames.  We also worked on representing hexagons different ways and recording the information we found. 


The students created collage gingerbread kids.  We also worked on placemats for our cookie decorating.

Social Studies:  
The STA is running community service project to collect food for the needs of people in our community.  They can bring in a canned good to add to the deposit boxes.  Also don't forget about the other service projects going on throughout the school. 

Book of the Week: The Gingerbread Girl by Lisa Campbell Ernst
Song of the Week: Adventures in Exercise
(check out the video on the student resource page)


Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters:  uppercase review
Phonics Letters: u
Word of the Week: am
Gingerbread Decorating:  12/22 @ 2:05 
PJ Day: 12/23
Winter Vacation: 12/24-1/2/15

Monday, December 8, 2014

We have begun work on our gingerbread unit.  We have read a few versions of the folktale The Gingerbread Man.
Thank you to all that help support our school and classroom.  We couldn't do it without you.

Language Arts:  

We worked on lowercase G, S, and A.  We also worked on the word is.  We started writing our on version of The Gingerbread Man


We worked on attributes and shape.  We have been practicing counting to fifty by ones.


The students worked on a winter quilt this week.  They decorated their painted gingerbread men.

Social Studies:  The STA is running community service project to collect food for the needs of people in our community.  They can bring in a canned good to add to the deposit boxes.  Also don't forget about the other service projects going on throughout the school.

Book of the Week: The Gingerbread Boy by Karen Schmidt
Song of the Week:  "The Gingerbread Man" by Jack Hartman
(check out the video on the student resource page)

Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters: T, J & I
Phonics Letters:  s & z
Word of the Week: the
Early Release: 12/17 @ 12:50
Gingerbread Decorating Party: 12/22 @ 12:30
PJ Day: 12/23

Friday, November 21, 2014

Panda News:

Thank you to all the volunteers this month.  I will be getting December's calendar out next week. 

As you know our Family Breakfast is next Tuesday.  It will start at 8:00.  We will finish with reciting a poem at 8:25.  I hope all will be able to join us. 

Language Arts:  
We have been working on the word and. They have been comparing and contrasting themselves to the Pilgrims through realistic fiction.  We also wrote our own version of  I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Pie.  



We will work on turkey dice games as well as make a turkey glyph.  The Pandas are creating turkeys with the pattern block templates. The kids can't wait for you to check out their work at the breakfast next Tuesday


The classroom is looking very festive with all the Thanksgiving art work we have been creating!

Book of the Week:  I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Pie
Song of the Week:  "Turkey, Turkey" (tune of Twinkle, Twinkle)

Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters:  C, O, & Q
Phonics Letters: l & r
Word of the Week: and
Book Fair: 12/2-12/5
Thanksgiving Break:  11/26-11/28
Family Breakfast: 11/25 @ 8:00-8:25 (Panda Classroom)
Gingerbread Decorating:  12/22 @ 12:30 
Early Release: 12/17
Winter Vacation: 12/24-1/2/14

Friday, October 31, 2014

Panda News

Our Halloween celebration was a success. The children had a wonderful time. Check out the new photos I added to Flickr.  Thank you for all the donations and help.  I couldn't do it without you!

Here is a glimpse of our week in the Panda class:

Language arts:  The children wrote a piggy back version of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? using their costume photos.

Math:  We played various Halloween math games.  The students have made great progress this quarter!

Art:  We made Sparky the Fire Dog to go along with our visit from the Stratham Fire Department.  

Social Studies:  We ended Safety Month with bus safety and a visit from the Stratham Fire Department. The children were able to explore the truck, learn about 911, practice stop, drop, and roll and get to see a fire fighter all dressed for work.  They talked to the students about having a safety plan at home.  You may want to create one or practice it if you already have one.

Book of the Week:  Stellaluna
Song of the Week:  "Wizard's Brew"

Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters X,Y & Z
Phonics Letters: m & n
Word of the Week: so
November Conferences:  11/7  (this is an early release days)
No school: 11/10 & 11/11
Family Breakfast: 11/25 from 8:00-8:25 a.m.
Thanksgiving Break:  11/26-11/28

Monday, October 27, 2014

Panda News:

October is Safety Month.  This week we will have a visit from the Stratham Fire Department.  We also had Mrs. Griffith talk about Personal Body Safety last Thursday.  She talked about bathing suit areas on your body and uncomfortable touches.  The students learned if something is making you feel uncomfortable you say Stop (assertively), Get Away, and Tell Someone.  They also talked about "stranger danger."  Officer Mike also stopped by and talked about Halloween safety.  The students also got to check out his police car.  Look for the safety photos on Flickr soon!

Language Arts: 

We practiced writing uppercase U & L.  We used wood pieces and our slate boards to practice.  We also worked on the word see.  The Pandas learned about the sound a.  It is the first vowel we have learned.  After introducing it we have begun to blend CVC words to decode them.  We talked about real words versus nonsense words.  After returning from our field trip we wrote an opinion piece.  The students wrote about their favorite part of the show.


We finished up unit 2 in math.  An assessment of the unit will come home on Monday.  If there is a skill circled it means your child needs a little more practice with that particular skill.  


We made big green monster sun-catchers.  They also drew big green monsters and labelled them.

Thank you to the parents that were able to chaperone on our field trip.  It was a great show.  We all had a great time.

Upcoming Events:

Book of the Week- Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley
Upcoming Letters-  V & W
Word of the Week- I
Phonics- o
October 28th- Picture retakes
Parent Conferences- 10/29 & 11/7 early release (please sign-up if you have not) 
Halloween Celebration- Students and Staff only 10/30 (please see signup genius for more info)
Nov. 10th & 11th- No School

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Panda News:

October is Safety Month.  We will have a visit from the Stratham Police Department tomorrow.  They will talk about Halloween Safety and the kids will get to explore the police car.  On Thursday, October 23rd, Diane Griffith our guidance counselor, will do a presentation on personal body safety.  She will show a video and have a discussion with the kids.  If you would like to join us for this it will be at 12:30-1:00 in our classroom.  Also next week, the Stratham Fire Department will come to talk about fire safety.

Language Arts: 

We practiced writing uppercase H & K.  We used wood pieces and our slate boards to practice.  We also worked on the word see.  The Pandas learned about the sound th.  It is the only time in school they can stick out their tongue to make the sound.   We started to work with partners during Reader's Workshop.  They enjoy sharing books with one another.  


We introduced number stories.  This is a skill that will be worked on all year.  The Pandas practiced telling and solving simple stories.  For example,  I have 3 apples and my friend gave me 2 more apples.  How many apples do I have know.  We worked on a variety of strategies to solve the problems.  This a great thing to do in the car to practice.

Social Curriculum:  

We talked about two characters this week.  They are "super flex" and "rock brain".  They are characters to help the children be more flexible in there daily thinking.  You may here your student refer to these characters throughout the school year.  We talked about what it means to be flexible and what it means if you are being ridged and stuck.  

Upcoming Events:

Book of the Week- Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr.
Upcoming Letters- U & L
Word of the Week- a
Phonics- a
October 21st- field trip to Portsmouth Music Hall (chaperones please meet us at The Music Hall by 9:15. also there will be not be any snack so please have a bigger breakfast) 
Parent Conferences- 10/29 & 11/7 early release (please sign-up if you have not) 
Halloween Celebration- Students and Staff only 10/30 (please see signup genius for more info)

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Panda News:

October is Safety Month.  We will do a variety of activities to promote safety.  We will be having presentations from the fire department, police, and many more.  We will also practice safety drills. 

Check out the Cider Hill Farm field trip pictures. 

Big News!  Panda of the Day has begun.  Jamie is our first Panda of the Day.  Watch for the panda bag and directions to arrive at your house.  Please try and return the panda bag with a share that matches the theme and the necklace the next school day.

Language Arts: 

We have practiced writing uppercase B, R, M, & N.  We have used wood pieces and our slate boards to practice.  We also worked on the word at and in.  We recreated our own versions of Yuck Soup!    We have been focusing on telling stories based on a moment in time.  It is called a small moment story.  We will be starting to put our ideas to paper next week.  Ask your Panda to tell you about a ride on a rollercoaster they have taken.   


We worked on our first open response problem in math.  The children worked in partnerships to sort a collection of objects using a certain attribute or attributes.  They then analyzed each others work to try and figure out what the sorting rule was.  The Pandas did a great job having a conversation about the math work.


The Pandas finished up the seasons of the apple tree.  We focused on what the apple tree looks like during each season.  They then labeled each picture. 

Upcoming Events:

Book of the Week- Yuck School by Joy Cowley
App of the Week- Quick Image (using ten frames)
Upcoming Letters- H & K
Word of the Week- see
Phonics- th & th
October 13th- No School
October 21st- field trip to Portsmouth Music Hall
Parent Conferences- 10/29 & 11/7 early release (please sign-up if you have not)
Halloween Celebration- Students and Staff only 10/30 (please see signup genius for more info)

Monday, September 29, 2014

Panda News:

We have been working on our apple theme for the month.  It kicked off with our field trip to the apple orchard.  We have tasted apples, baked with them, created art projects and learned about the life cycle of the apple tree.  The Pandas really enjoyed making sweet apple pizzas on Friday. 

Here is the recipe:

refrigerated cinnamon rolls
2 cut up apple (small chunks)
a squirt of lemon juice
1T of flour
1/4 cup sugar
1t cinnamon

Mix all  together except for the cinnamon rolls.  Flatten out the cinnamon rolls.  Add the apple mixture.  Bake at 350 for 15 min.  You can drizzle glaze over the top while still hot.  Yummy!

Language Arts: 

We have practiced writing uppercase D &P.  We have used wood pieces and our slate boards to practice.  We also worked on the word no.  We read the story No, David! and created an innovation about things they do wrong.


We have been working on the numbers 0-5.  We have also been working on patterning and geometric shapes.  The Pandas have used a variety of materials and games.  I have been establishing daily routines with the calendar. 

Social Studies:

October is safety month.  We will learn about fire safety, safety drills, bus safety, and Halloween safety.

Upcoming Events:

Book of the Week- No, David by David Shannon
App of the Week- Letter School
Upcoming Letters- B & R
October 13th- No School
Word of the Week- at
Phonics- k & g
Parent Conferences- 10/29 & 11/7 (more info to come)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Thank you to each and every family for sharing your child with me this year.  It was a wonderful year.  I can't believe it is over so quickly.  Enjoy those summer days and bright smiles.

I am posting pictures from grandparent luncheon and I will try and post the end of year slideshow.

Happy Summer!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Panda News:

We had a super successful field day.  Enjoy the pictures and all the smiles!  Have a safe and relaxing long weekend.

Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters: review of all lowercase letters
Phonics Letters: review of all phonic letters
Word of the Week: review of all sight words

No School: 5/26 (Memorial Day)
Grandparent Luncheon: 6/2 more info to follow
Last Day for K: 6/11 We will have an end of the year celebration starting at 9:30 in our classroom.  Dismissal will be by 11:00am if this poses a problem for your family please let me know ASAP so I can plan accordingly.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Panda News:

On Thursday, May 22 the school will honor our amazing volunteers.  Please come and enjoy light refreshments (8:10 am) before a whole school morning meeting (8:45 am).  Each grade level will be saying thank you in their own special way. 

Language Arts:

We are continuing an author study of Eric Carle.   The children have been trying out numerous painting techniques.  They also created "grouchy ladybugs"  after reading The Grouchy Ladybug.  They splatter painted today.  A big thank you to Mrs. Lord who didn't get too splattered.


We played several games composing and decomposing numbers.  The children worked on adding sums together.  We used the strategy of finding the biggest number and counting on.
Book of the Week:  various Eric Carle stories
Song of the Week:  secret volunteer song

Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters: review of all lowercase letters
Phonics Letters: review of all phonic letters
Word of the Week: review of all sight words

Baby Picture: 5/19 (if you have not sent one)
Field Trip: 5/21 (Music Hall) if you are chaperoning please meet us at The Music Hall @ 9:00
Field Day: 5/23 parent volunteers welcome
No School: 5/26 (Memorial Day)
Grandparent Luncheon: 6/2 more info to follow
Last Day for K: 6/11 We will have an end of the year celebration starting at 9:30 in our classroom.  Dismissal will be by 11:00am if this poses a problem for your family please let me know ASAP so I can plan accordingly.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Panda News:

Thank you for the wonderful lunch on Tuesday and the great art work the children made for their teachers.  It was a great Teacher's Appreciation Week.  Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms!

Language Arts:

We have begun an author study of Eric Carle.  They have been studying his craft and have tried out some of his illustration techniques.  We watched a video about his life today. 


The school did a great job with this years Wellness Walk.  We walked for our wellness and to support those who lost their battle with cancer this year.  Each child was given a Live Strong bracelet.


The students worked on Mother's Day gifts. Shh!  I hope you love them.

Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters: review of all lowercase letters
Phonics Letters: review of all phonic letters
Word of the Week: review of all sight words
Baby Picture: 5/12 (if you have not sent one)
Early Release: 5/14 @12:50
Field Trip: 5/21 (Music Hall)
Field Day: 5/23
No School: 5/26 (Memorial Day)
Grandparent Luncheon: 6/2 more info to follow
Last Day for K: 6/11 We will have an end of the year celebration starting at 9:30 in our classroom.  Dismissal will be by 11:00am if this poses a problem for your family please let me know ASAP so I can plan accordingly.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Panda News:
We had a fun day Jump Roping for Heart.  Enjoy the picture I have posted on Panda Flickr.  Have a great vacation!

Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters: review of all lowercase letters
Phonics Letters: review of all phonic letters
Word of the Week: review of all sight words
Baby Picture: 4/28 (if you have not sent one)
Spring vacation:  4/21-4/25
First "All Day" Wednesday Experience: 4/30
May Day and Wellness Walk: 5/7
Early Release: 5/14 @12:50
Field Trip: 5/21 (Music Hall)
Field Day: 5/23
No School: 5/26 (Memorial Day)
Grandparent Luncheon: 6/2 more info to follow
Last Day for K: 6/11 We will have an end of the year celebration starting at 9:30 in our classroom.  Dismissal will be by 11:00am if this poses a problem for your family please let me know ASAP so I can plan accordingly.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Panda News:

We are the proud parents of 16 chicks.  The kids got to see 1 hatch, hold them and care for them.  It is a great learning experience.  They all will be going to their new homes early next week.  I have posted chick pics on the Flickr link.  Check them out!

Baby Pictures we are looking for you to send in 1 baby photo by Monday to use in creating a class book.  We will color copy the photo and return the original to you. 

Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters: review of all lowercase letters
Phonics Letters: review of all phonic letters
Word of the Week: review of all sight words
Baby Picture: 4/14
Jump Rope for Heart: 4/18 @8:55
Spring Conferences:  4/16 early release
Spring vacation:  4/21-4/25
First "All Day" Wednesday Experience: 4/30

Friday, March 28, 2014

Panda News:

We had a fun day Jump Roping for Heart.  Enjoy the picture I have posted on Panda Flickr.  Have a great vacation!

Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters: review of all lowercase letters
Phonics Letters: review of all phonic letters
Word of the Week: review of all sight words
Baby Picture: 4/28 (if you have not sent one)
Spring vacation:  4/21-4/25
First "All Day" Wednesday Experience: 4/30
May Day and Wellness Walk: 5/7
Early Release: 5/14 @12:50
Field Trip: 5/21 (Music Hall)
Field Day: 5/23
No School: 5/26 (Memorial Day)
Grandparent Luncheon: 6/2 more info to follow
Last Day for K: 6/11 We will have an end of the year celebration starting at 9:30 in our classroom.  Dismissal will be by 11:00am if this poses a problem for your family please let me know ASAP so I can plan accordingly.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


On Friday, our school will celebrate Read Across America.  There will be several activities happening.  The kids and teachers are asked to dress up like their favorite book characters and bring the book (dressing up is optional).  We will have an assembly and a guest reader.    

Language Arts:  

We have begun an introduction to procedural writing "How To's".  The have started to reads some "How To's" and brainstorm things they could write about.   We have learned the different the characteristics of a "How To".  They usually contain photographs,  they might have some words in bold, and they may have a glossary.  The kids have begun to write their own books.  They are using the characteristics in their books.


The Pandas have been learning the difference between 2D and 3D shapes.  We have been focusing on the cube and cone.  We have also introduced the concept of dividing things in half.  We continue to practice the sums through 5.


 The students have been working on making chicks to decorate the room with.     


Have you heard the news.  We are going to be the proud parents of new baby chicks.  They are due to arrive the week before vacation.  The students have been learning about the life cycle and caring for them by waking them each morning.  Ask your student how they do that?  You may also want to ask them what other interesting facts they can remember. 
I am asking every student to bring in one piece of their favorite fruit on Monday.  We will be doing several things with it.

Book of the Week:  various chick books

Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters: review of all lowercase letters
Phonics Letters: review of all phonic letters
Word of the Week: me
Read Across America: 3/28 (dress as your favorite book character)
Favorite piece of fruit: 3/31
Spring Conferences: 4/9 & 4/16
First "All Day" Wednesday Experience: 4/30

Friday, March 7, 2014


I hope everyone enjoyed the vacation last week.  We are back in the swing of school.  Thank you to all who came along on our field trip to The Music Hall.  It was a great show!  The Pandas enjoyed the happy ending of the play the best.  We were able to compare and contrast it to the book.  They noticed a lot of similarities and a few differences.


Language Arts:  

The students found my in the sight word book.  We also practiced all our sight words this week.  The more sight words they recognize in their reading the less work they will have to do as a reader.  It is a lot like learning your math facts in math.  We have begun an introduction to procedural writing "How To's".  The have started to reads some "How To's" and brainstorm things they could write about.   


The Pandas practiced math facts this week using dice games and unifix cubes.  How is nightly math fact practice going?  I will not send any flash cards home this week but please continue to practice all of the +1.  The will get a Homelink in addition to the math facts.


The students made pots of gold and clouds to go with rainbows they made.   


We began a science experiment this week.  We started to grow grass (aka leprechaun hair).  The students each have a cup of grass seed we planted.  We hypothesized what we thought would happen with our seed.  We have a control group without water and one without sunlight.

Book of the Week:  Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst

Song of the Week:  The Numeral Song by Dr. Jean


Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters: review of all lowercase letters
Phonics Letters: review of all phonic letters
Word of the Week: go
No School Friday: 3/14
School District Meeting: tonight @ 7:00 babysitting will be provided by STA
First "All Day" Wednesday Experience: 4/30