Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Panda News:

I would like to wish your family a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Thank you for the wonderful food for this mornings breakfast.  It was a great to show off all the panda's hard work!  Remember Monday, December 2 @ 12:50 our class will visit the book fair.

The students were very excited to share the bread we made with you.  Many of you were inquiring about the recipe.  I will add a link to it below.

Pumpkin Bread with Brown Sugar Crust

I have also added a few more pictures to Flickr

Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters:  a, g, & a
Phonics Letters: sh
Word of the Week: the
Book Fair: 12/2-12/5
Thanksgiving Break:  11/27-11/29
Gingerbread Decorating:  12/19 @ 12:30 
PJ Day: 12/20
Early Release: 12/11
Winter Vacation: 12/23-1/1/14

Friday, November 22, 2013


Exciting news in the Panda Room.  We now have an interactive whiteboard up and running. We are all very excited to have the tool to use!

Language Arts:  

We worked on lowercase v, w, and t.  We also worked on the word is. They have been comparing and contrasting themselves to the Pilgrims through realistic fiction.  We also wrote our own version of  I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Pie.  


We worked on turkey dice games as well as made a turkey glyph.  The Pandas also created turkeys with the pattern block templates. The kids can't wait for you to check out their work at the breakfast next Tuesday


The classroom is looking very festive with all the Thanksgiving art work we have been creating!

Book of the Week:  I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Pie
Song of the Week:  "Albuquerque Is A Turkey" by Dr. Jean
App of the Week:  Counting Beads

Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters:  a, g, & a
Phonics Letters: sh
Word of the Week: the
Book Fair: 12/2-12/5
Thanksgiving Break:  11/27-11/29
Family Breakfast: 11/26 @ 8:00-8:25 (Panda Classroom)
Gingerbread Decorating:  12/19 @ 12:30 
Early Release: 12/11
Winter Vacation: 12/23-1/1/14

Friday, November 15, 2013

Panda News:

Report cards went home today.  Please sign and return the envelope.  You may keep the contents for your files.  

Language Arts:  

We worked on lowercase c, s, and o.  We also worked on the word and. They brainstormed a list of things we are thankful for and wrote a class book.  We are focusing on periods, spaces and one to one correspondence during shared reading. 


We worked on playing Monster Squeeze and other various math games for number sense and recognition.  Check out the Student Resource page for a link to Monster Squeeze on the computer or there is an app for an iPad.


The students made turkeys out of paper plates and feathers.  They are very creative!

Book of the Week:  A Turkey For Thanksgiving by Eve Bunting
Song of the Week:  "Ride That Pony" by Dr. Jean
App of the Week:  Monster Squeeze

Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters:  v, w, & t
Phonics Letters:  s & z
Word of the Week:  is
Book Fair: 12/2-12/5
Thanksgiving Break:  11/27-11/29
Family Breakfast: 11/26 @ 8:00-8:25 (Panda Classroom)
Gingerbread Decorating:  12/19 @ 12:30 (more info to follow)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Panda Class News:

I have posted some picture of our fire safety activity.
We have finished our review of uppercase letters.  Ask your child where they start writing the letters.

Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters:  c, o, & s
Phonics Letters:  u
Word of the Week:  and
No School:  11/11
Parent Conferences:  11/13 (early release)
Thanksgiving Break:  11/27-11/29
Gingerbread Decorating:  12/19 @ 12:30 (more info to follow)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Panda News

It was great to see all of you at the costume parade. The children had a wonderful time.  Check out the new photos I added to Flickr.  Thank you for all the donations and help.  I couldn't do it without you!

Here is a glimpse of our week in the Panda class:

Language arts:  The children wrote a piggy back version of Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See? using their costume photos.

Math:  We played various Halloween math games and finished the end of quarter math assessments.  The students have made great progress!

Art:  We made Sparky the Fire Dog to go along with our visit from the Stratham Fire Department.  

Social Studies:  We ended Safety Month with a visit from the Stratham Fire Department.  The children were able to explore the truck, learn about 911, practice stop, drop, and roll and get to see a fire fighter all dressed for work.  They talked to the students about having a safety plan at home.  You may want to create one or practice it if you already have one.

Book of the Week:  Stellaluna
Song of the Week:  "Wizard's Brew"

Upcoming Events:

Handwriting Letters T & J
Phonics Letters: m & n
Word of the Week: so
Picture Retakes:  11/5
November Conferences:  11/7 & 11/13 (these are early release days)
No school: 11/8 & 11/11
Family Breakfast: 11/26 from 8:00-8:25 a.m.
Thanksgiving Break:  11/27-11/29